Saturday, 9 August 2008

Watch them with "both eyes"

Originally called the Columbus Project, the LBT (Large Binocular Telescope) is now operational and it is back to moutain-top telescoping. The LBT is located on top of Mount Graham in South-East Arizona.

Image Courtesy: Aaron Ceranski & John Hill @ LBTO

The binocular ability give better image quality in watching the fourth dimension (which is actually what we are looking at ... events back in time). I initially thought that binocular vision would also provide a sense of depth (third dimension) but John informs me that at such distances there is no practical sense of depth.

It is currently the world's best resolution optical/infra-red telescope, with better resolution than the Hubble in the infra-red domain. It has two very large primary mirrors with 8.408m aperture diameter, which can provide resolution equivalent to a 22.8m (i.e. ~75 foot) aperture telescope.

See also the July Episode of Sky at Night for details.

Courtesy Stevebd1 @ Youtube

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